WebTuber - Video Website free download - Php Scripts



Wednesday, February 22, 2017

WebTuber - Video Website free download

 WebTuber - Video Website  free download

WebTuber - Video Website free download

Create a niche video website with ‘WebTuber v1’ (built using php), import 100’s of videos from youtube and let your visitors watch, comment and like movies, music videos, animation, news, short films etc. Vistors can sign up and save (done automatically) liked videos to watch later and submit videos all through thier profile page (http://yourdomain/user/username). Manage users with the powerful user management system.


It easy to install WebTuber, simply add your database details to the parameter file, upload the webtuber foler, go to the install url and click a few buttons… Your done and ready to import videos. (full documentation is provided).

Must Requirements

  • PHP 5.5.9 or higher
  • PDO PHP Extension (comes as standard with most host)
  • mod_rewrite (comes as standard with most webhost)
  • 1 Mysql database
  • Youtube API Key


  • Responsive Design – desktop, mobile and tablet friendly
  • Easy one page installer
  • Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Googleplus sharebuttons
  • Disqus comments on videos
  • User management system
  • User Registration verification by email option – new
  • Lost password recovery – new
  • User Profile Picture via gravatar.com for easy use
  • Dashboard Video, Category, Channels and User statistics
  • Import a single Youtube Video
  • Import a Youtube channnel videos
  • Import youtube videos by a search term
  • view/Edit/Delete Videos
  • view/edit/add/delete users
  • Add video categories
  • show featured videos on home page
  • show selected categories on home page with videos
  • add Video status for approval – active, inactive
  • Registered Users can like and submit videos
  • most viewed,and Categories video page
  • Pagination
  • Admin area (view screen shots)
  • 13 Widget Areas to place what ever you like – ads, banners etc.
  • SEO Friendly URL’s
  • Add/Edit/Delete pages: About Us etc..



  • User registration verification option
  • Lost password recovery
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Foundation 6
  • Bootstrap 3
  • YouTube API V3

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