Video Venue : Community Script free download - Php Scripts



Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Video Venue : Community Script free download

 Video Venue : Community Script  free download

Video Venue : Community Script free download

Site Features

  • Unlimited Embed: Users Can post unlimited number of links
  • Unique Link: Each Post is assigned unique link
  • Description: Users can provide description to posts
  • Comments: Uses can comment on videos
  • Reply: Users can reply comment
  • Follow/Unfollow: Follow unfollow users
  • Notifications: Notification when someone comment – reply – follow
  • Category: Infinite category
  • Search: Advance search
  • RSS: RSS feeds for each category – tags – users
  • Translation: Support translation to any language via the language file
  • Caching: SQL query caching to reduce server load
  • Site Map: Site map
  • Built with Laravel

Registration Features

  • User can register with their email address
  • Support for facebook and google connect for instant login
  • Email confirmation is required to protect from spams
  • Support dual facebook && google + username login

Admin Panel Features

  • List of all the users at one place
  • Track inactive users with no activity over a month
  • List of all video
  • List of all comments
  • Admin can edit any users profile
  • Admin can users
  • Admin can edit video description and title
  • Admin can delete any video
  • Admin can make user and videos as featured
  • List of all featured videos in one place
  • List of all featured users at one place
  • Managing reports
  • Edit FAQ – Privacy – About us pages
  • Admin can add as many as category he/she wants
  • Clear cache at any time to refresh the site

Security Features


  • Email Confirmation to protect from spams
  • Site owners can choose Admin Approval or Auto Approval
  • CSRF Protection: Protection from CSRF
  • XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
  • SQL Injection: 100 % SQL Injection safe using late binding
  • Secure Bcrypt password hashing

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.4 or Greater
  • MCrypt PHP Extension
  • GD or ImageMagick or Imagick.
    • GD: Choose GD if you have either no access to imagemagick or to the imagick php extension.
    • Imagick: No, memory trouble + better image quality output
    • ImageMagick: Is an incredible fast and versatile image processing library
  • Fileinfo extension
  • CURL
  • MySQL

Supported Provider

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Vine

Demo ( Visit )

  • Live demo site Hackers News Demo ( some features are disabled )
  • Demo Login 1 : username = test : password = test123
  • Demo Login 2 : username = test2 : password = test123
  • Visit Admin Panel after Login
  • Visit Site Blogs

SMTP Support for

Push Queus using


  • Initial Release

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