php.ini Compatibility free download - Php Scripts



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

php.ini Compatibility free download

 php.ini Compatibility  free download

php.ini Compatibility free download

Key Features

  • Works with any .php file
  • Ensures the compatibility of your scripts across varying systems
  • Can force / emulate 177 php.ini settings
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Lightweight

Supported Settings

  1. precision
  2. y2k_compliance
  3. output_buffering
  4. output_handler
  5. zlib.output_compression
  6. zlib.output_compression_level
  7. zlib.output_handler
  8. implicit_flush
  9. unserialize_callback_func
  10. serialize_precision
  11. open_basedir
  12. highlight.string
  13. highlight.comment
  14. highlight.keyword
  16. highlight.default
  17. highlight.html
  18. ignore_user_abort
  19. max_execution_time
  20. memory_limit
  21. error_reporting
  22. display_errors
  23. display_startup_errors
  24. log_errors
  25. log_errors_max_len
  26. ignore_repeated_errors
  27. ignore_repeated_source
  28. report_memleaks
  29. report_zend_debug
  30. track_errors
  31. xmlrpc_error_number
  32. html_errors
  33. docref_root
  34. docref_ext
  35. error_prepend_string
  36. error_append_string
  37. error_log
  38. arg_separator.output
  39. variables_order
  40. request_order
  41. register_globals
  42. register_long_arrays
  43. register_argc_argv
  44. magic_quotes_gpc
  45. magic_quotes_sybase
  46. magic_quotes_runtime
  47. auto_prepend_file
  48. auto_append_file
  49. default_mimetype
  50. default_charset
  51. always_populate_raw_post_data
  52. include_path
  53. cgi.nph
  54. cgi.rfc2616_headers
  55. from
  56. user_agent
  57. default_socket_timeout
  58. auto_detect_line_endings
  59. date.default_latitude
  60. date.default_longitude
  61. date.sunrise_zenith
  62. date.sunset_zenith
  63. date.timezone
  64. filter.default
  65. iconv.input_encoding
  66. iconv.internal_encoding
  67. iconv.output_encoding
  68. intl.default_locale
  69. sqlite.assoc_case
  70. pcre.backtrack_limit
  71. pcre.recursion_limit
  72. pdo_odbc.connection_pooling
  73. phar.readonly
  74. phar.require_hash
  75. define_syslog_variables
  76. SMTP
  77. smtp_port
  78. sendmail_from
  79. odbc.defaultlrl
  80. odbc.defaultbinmode
  81. odbc.default_cursortype
  82. ibase.default_user
  83. ibase.default_password
  84. ibase.default_charset
  85. ibase.timestampformat
  86. ibase.dateformat
  87. ibase.timeformat
  88. mysql.trace_mode
  89. mysql.default_port
  90. mysql.default_socket
  91. mysql.default_host
  92. mysql.default_user
  93. mysql.default_password
  94. mysql.connect_timeout
  95. mysqli.default_port
  96. mysqli.default_socket
  97. mysqli.default_host
  98. mysqli.default_user
  99. mysqli.default_pw
  100. oci8.connection_class
  101. pgsql.ignore_notice
  102. pgsql.log_notice
  103. sybase.allow_persistent
  104. sybase.max_persistent
  105. sybase.max_links
  106. sybase.min_error_severity
  107. sybase.min_message_severity
  108. sybase.compatability_mode
  109. bcmath.scale
  110. session.save_path
  112. session.save_handler
  113. session.auto_start
  114. session.gc_probability
  115. session.gc_divisor
  116. session.gc_maxlifetime
  117. session.serialize_handler
  118. session.cookie_lifetime
  119. session.cookie_path
  120. session.cookie_domain
  121. session.cookie_secure
  122. session.cookie_httponly
  123. session.use_cookies
  124. session.use_only_cookies
  125. session.referer_check
  126. session.entropy_file
  127. session.entropy_length
  128. session.cache_limiter
  129. session.cache_expire
  130. session.use_trans_sid
  131. session.bug_compat_42
  132. session.bug_compat_warn
  133. session.hash_function
  134. session.hash_bits_per_character
  135. mssql.min_error_severity
  136. mssql.min_message_severity
  137. mssql.compatability_mode
  138. mssql.connect_timeout
  139. mssql.timeout
  140. mssql.textsize
  141. mssql.textlimit
  142. mssql.batchsize
  143. mssql.datetimeconvert
  144. mssql.secure_connection
  145. mssql.max_procs
  146. mssql.charset
  148. assert.bail
  149. assert.warning
  150. assert.callback
  151. assert.quiet_eval
  152. com.autoregister_typelib
  153. com.autoregister_verbose
  154. com.autoregister_casesensitive
  155. com.code_page
  156. mbstring.language
  157. mbstring.detect_order
  158. mbstring.http_input
  159. mbstring.http_output
  160. mbstring.internal_encoding
  161. mbstring.script_encoding
  162. mbstring.substitute_character
  163. mbstring.strict_detection
  164. gd.jpeg_ignore_warning
  165. exif.encode_unicode
  166. exif.decode_unicode_motorola
  167. exif.decode_unicode_intel
  168. exif.encode_jis
  169. exif.decode_jis_motorola
  170. exif.decode_jis_intel
  171. tidy.clean_output
  172. soap.wsdl_cache_enabled
  173. soap.wsdl_cache_dir
  174. soap.wsdl_cache_ttl
  175. soap.wsdl_cache
  176. soap.wsdl_cache_limit
  177. dba.default_handler

This item will ensure the compatibility across varying systems by setting many of the common php.ini values that cause problems to values that you choose. This is a very common problem when developing code that is intended to be distributed and this item will make this problem very easy to solve.

If there are any problems with this item, the best place to ask is in the forum as I check that at least once a day.

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