Mobile Sniffer Pro - Detection & Redirection Tool free download - Php Scripts



Friday, January 20, 2017

Mobile Sniffer Pro - Detection & Redirection Tool free download

 Mobile Sniffer Pro - Detection & Redirection Tool  free download

Mobile Sniffer Pro - Detection & Redirection Tool free download

Mobile Sniffer Pro is a mobile detection & redirection tool kit to provide complete solutions for mobile device detection and redirection with granular control. Mobile Sniffer not just detects the Mobile devices, but also help you redirect the webpages in 3 different modes. You don’t have to break you head figuring out when & what to redirect where, just show the MobileSniffer your mobile and desktop sites and you are set to go.
With 3 different methods of website redirection, it couldn’t get any better. Mobile Sniffer is also Smart enough to maintain the same page when switching between the mobile and desktop sites – Your users don’t have to navigate back to the page during the website switching!

[New] Easy Install Script Included

All the testimonials from customers have shown how much they like the Sniffer, but however, I have been receiving an increasing number of mails regarding the installation of the script. Now I’m writing this for a reason, v1.1 comes with a simple & easy to use INSTALLER !!! How to use the installer
  1. Copy the script folder sniffer to your server, lets say it /var/public_html/site_demo/ which is the root directory
  2. From your browser, point to
  3. If you want the script to auto write a config file for you, be sure to mark the config.php file writable, otherwise you can copy paste the code into your config file
  4. The script generates the codes in 2 sections,
     <?php include_once '/var/public_html/site_demo/Mobile-Sniffer/sniffer/MobileSniff.php'; MobileSniffer::redirectByPreference(); ?> 
    This is the include code you need to use on top of your site files. The second section is the actual config.php code
  5. The first section requires PHP 5.3+ to work, but the second section would work nonetheless

Check the Install Script here


I’ve purchased several products and scripts from CodeCanyon. The level of support I’ve received from the developer, “smart techie,” with this script is far and away the best I’ve ever experienced from any other developer/programmer. He promptly replies to every email, answers every question, and tries to resolve any/all issues with the script. I would definitely purchase other scripts from him.

As a mobile developer I have been looking for a redirect that will work efficiently amongst all my sites. Does everything I needed and more with a little assistance from smart_techie. Great script that works and has a lot of options for configurations as well.

3 Redirection Modes

  1. SubDomain Redirection – Redirect to Mobile and Desktop websites as different subdomains for mobile and desktop site ( ~~

  2. SubFolder Redirection – No problem if you dont want to have a seperate subdomain for Mobile & Desktop sites. You can have then as a Subfolder to the main site ( ~~

  3. Dual URL Redirection – Don’t like to Switch URLs at all ? No problem, Mobile Sniffer has got a solution for that as well. With DUAL URL Mode enabled, you no longer need to have different URLs for Desktop & Mobile Site. This tool will take care of all the hassles of detecting the target device and serving the appropriate contents – Whether its a Desktop or a Mobile device. The best past is, its also SEO Friendly which means you can have all the fancy work without compromising on SEO


The configuration is one time and is fairly simple. Once done, you never have to think of it again, super simple & hassle free operation. Check on some of the Live demos from the below links
  • Detect and Redirect to sections based on Device
  • Subdomain switching mode
  • Dual URL mode

Change Log

Version 1.1 – 09 Jan 13
  • Feature – Easy Installer / Config generator
Version 1.0.1 – 26 July 12
  • Bug Fix – PHP 5.x Support Added
    Small definition in config was causing incompatibility with PHP versions < 5.3.x – Thats fixed now. Client sniffing has been disabled by default, users have to turn it on if they want to use it.

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